72,000 peopleCapital
EuroLanguages spoken in Melilla
SpanishMap of Melilla

Area in square kilometers
20 km2Gross domestic product per capita
$ 0
BusinessThe Melilla is the perfect sleek & roomy tote to carry a
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Mix 18-154-BLKThe Melilla is the perfect tote to carry a laptop.
It offers the executive woman a fashionable and practical solution
for travel and everyday commuting. Stylish and roomy, this sleek
included in former Spanish Morocco Melilla has been a constituent part
of Spain since the very dawn of Spain as an independent country, the
city being a part of Castile for longer than even other current
Spanish regions such as Navarre. These sources also dispute any ties
Melilla (Mlilt in Berber meaning "the white one") is an autonomous
Spanish city located on the Mediterranean, on the north coast in North
Africa. It was regarded as a part of Málaga province prior to March
14, 1995, when the city's Statute of Autonomy was passed.
The history of Melilla is similar to that of Moroccan towns in the
region of the Rif and southern Spanish towns, passing through Amazigh,
Phoenician, Punic, Roman, Ummayyad, Idrisid, Hammudid, Almoravid,
Almohad, Merinid and then Wattasid rules before being annexed by Spain
Melilla has 5 local newspapers and 6 radio stations.
Melilla has ferry services to Málaga and Almeriá on the
European side of the Gibraltar Strait. The local airport has daily
flights to different destinations in mainland Spain.
Melilla is an enclave with an area of 12,5 km² in mainland
Melilla is governed through a 25 seat local council with 6
parties, of which Groupo Independiente Liberal is the largest with 7
Through the 1990's Melilla has gone from being about 15% below
the rest of Spain in buying power, to be about 7% above in the latter
half. However, unofficial reports rate Melilla as the poorest city in
Melilla is far more a mixture of Spanish and Moorish, than most
cities in southern Spain. The old city and the fortress out at the sea
are things in Melilla that attract tourists. And the market area is
very charming.
Melilla today, is based on history more than anything else. While
Melilla is pleasant, clean and apparently well-off, most of this is
the result of subsidies from the Spanish state and EU.
Melilla, Spanish North Africa
Melilla is a city in North Africa, right opposite Spain. It belongs to
Spain, and is all surrounded by Morocco, which believes it should
belong to them. Ceuta is another such city.
from Morocco into the Spanish enclave of Melilla, there was no mass
assault by immigrants overnight, an unusual spell of quiet after
several weeks of disturbances, a Spanish Interior Ministry spokesman
told CNN on Friday.
Spain: Five die in enclave assault
Melilla is one of the two Spanish enclaves that lies on the coast
of... more »
* Melilla Airport from FareCompare
Melilla is a Spanish exclave in North Africa, on the Moroccan side
of the Mediterranean. In some ways, it's kind of like Ceuta but in
other ways, it's a unique place.
Other destinations
Melilla (like Ceuta) is a territorio franco, which means no VAT or
other taxes.
* Cafetería Los Arcos, calle López Moreno, next to the Sagrado
Corazón church
Noray, opposite the big Hotel Puerto Melilla and has many restaurants,
bars and nightclubs. And all of the bars look out at the marina.
Stay safe
Melilla is a safe city to visit. There are always lots of people
Ruffians besieged Melilla and 25,000 men had to be despatched against
them. In 1908 two companies, under the protection of El Roghi, a
chieftain then ruling the Riff region, started mining lead and iron
some 15 m. from Melilla and a railway to the mines was begun
Melilla is regularly connected to the Peninsula by plane and vessels
and also economically connected to Morocco: most of its fruits and
vegetables are imported across the border. Also, Moroccans in the
Melilla is subdivided into eight wards or neighborhoods (barrios) :
1. Barrio de Medina Sidonia
2. Barrio del General Larrea
3. Barrio del Ataque Seco
The five hundredth anniversary of Spain's control of Melilla was
marked in September 1997 in a low-key manner, as Muslim residents
complained of socioeconomic difficulties and discrimination. One
outcome of the difficulties was the election of a Muslim mayor in
The Melilla is the perfect sleek & roomy tote to carry a laptop.
Fits laptops:
13.2" x 10" x 1.6"
Will my laptop fit?
15" x 11" x 3.5"
Melilla is the smaller and less affluent of the two enclaves that mark
the last vestiges of Spain's African empire and with a third of its
inhabitants being of Rif Berber origin, it has an atmosphere all of
available) The knomo Portobello Melilla is a casual tote for 15"
laptops The Melilla is the perfect tote to carry a laptop. It offers
the executive... More The knomo Portobello Melilla is a casual tote
The knomo Portobello Melilla is a casual tote for 15" laptops - The
Melilla is the perfect tote to... More The knomo Portobello Melilla is
a casual tote for 15" laptops - The Melilla is the perfect tote to
carry a laptop
Tote for 13" laptops - The Melilla is the perfect tote to carry a
laptop. It offers the executive woman a fashionable and practical...
More Casual Tote for 13" laptops - The Melilla is the perfect tote to
carry a laptop
century Melilla was further secured by numerous fortresses that still
ring the city.
Today Melilla is a culturally diverse city and duty free port where
languages mix and mingle. It is joined to the Spanish mainland by
The city of Melilla has been an outpost of Spain for centuries,
because of its strategic location on the peninsula of Tres Forcas on
Africa's Mediterranean coast. In ancient times the city was occupied
by Phoenicians and Carthaginians before it was integrated into the
The Old City or Citadel - Melilla's most striking feature is its
original fifteenth century, walled city of steep narrow streets at the
highest point of the city. It has been declared a historic-artistic
monument. Entered by way of the Puerta de Santiago, graced by the coat
Historic-Artistic Site, Melilla la Vieja was originally formed by four
fortresses linked together by drawbridges. The narrow streets making
up oldest districts for the city are hidden behind its thick walls and
deep ditches.
Melilla is the second city in Spain (after Barcelone) in number of
modernist buildings, and is the fourth in Europe.
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* Melilla is free port
* Supersol Supermarket, Shell petrol station
* Moroccan market
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