9,402,000 peopleCapital
Guinean francLanguages spoken in Guinea
FrenchMap of Guinea

Area in square kilometers
245,857 km2Gross domestic product per capita
$ 2,035
Note: Guinea was once part of the Mali empire.
Note: It became independent of France in 1958.
The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
in equatorial guineaguinea holidaysguinea geographyguinea coinwhat is
the value of a guineaguineas for saleguinea climatewho is the
president of guineaguinea currencywildlife in guinea africaguinea
natural resourcesplaces in equatorial guineacities on the gulf of
guinea Nearby Entriesguilttripguilttrippedguilttrippingguiltwareguiltyguilty
but mental...guilty conscienceguiltylikeguimpeguinguin.guine-bissauguineaguinea
The guinea, so called from the Guinea gold out of which it was first
struck, was proclaimed in 1663, and to go for twenty shillings; but it
never went for less than twenty-one shillings. -Pinkerton.
Guinea corn. (Bot.) See Durra.
Guinea Current (Geog
After independence, Guinea was governed by President Ahmed Sékou Touré.
Touré pursued broadly socialist economic policies and suppressed
opposition and free expression. Under his leadership, Guinea joined
the Non-Aligned Movement and pursued close ties with the Eastern Bloc.
Lansana Kouyaté, former Guinean ambassador to the UN, was nominated to
the post. Strikes were called off, and the nomination was hailed by
the strikers.
On 23 December 2008, Aboubacar Somparé, President of the National
Assembly, flanked by Prime Minister Kouyaté, and Diarra Camara the
The land composing present-day Guinea was part of a series of empires,
beginning with the Ghana Empire which came into being around 900 .
This was followed by the Sosso kingdom in the twelfth and thirteenth
Biological experimentation on guinea pigs has been carried out since
the 17th century. The animals were frequently used as a model organism
in the 19th and 20th centuries, giving way to the metaphor "guinea
In Western societies, the guinea pig has enjoyed widespread popularity
as a household pet since its introduction by European traders in the
16th century. Their docile nature, their responsiveness to handling
and feeding, and the relative ease of caring for them, continue to
The common guinea pig was first domesticated as early as 5000 BC for
food by tribes in the Andean region of South America (present-day
Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia). Statues dating from ca. 500 BC to 500
Facing the Atlantic Ocean, Guinea is a West African country with a
narrow coastal plain and interior highlands that are forested in the
southeast. After independence from France in 1958, repressive
socialist rule plunged the country into economic ruin. A 1984 coup
After decades of isolation, Guinea is now beginning to open up to the
outside world and is relying on its mineral reserves (bauxite, copper,
iron ore, diamonds and uranium) to pull it out of its position of one
of the worlds poorest countries.
Guinea is a former French colony that borders Guinea-Bissau and
Senegal to the north, Mali on the north and north-east, Côte d'Ivoire
to the east and Liberia and Sierra Leone to the south. Unrest in
There are three major regions in Guinea - the coast is called Basse
(low) or Maritime Guinea, the next section of the interior is called
Moyenne (lesser) Guinea, the more mountainous area to the east is
called Haute (high) Guinea, and the tail that drops down to the
WARNING: Travel to Guinea at the present is not advisable. Following
the death of President Conte on Dec 23, a military coup has dissolved
the government and suspended the constitution. The situation is
currently peaceful, but could easily change.
Guinea has some light industry, but inadequate transportation
facilities have hampered industrialization. Rail lines connect some
large cities, and there are airports at Conakry and Kankan. Expansion
of the mineral industry has led to improvement of the road network.
Guinea is governed under the constitution of 1990 (suspended after an
army coup in 2008). The president, who is the head of state, is
popularly elected for a seven-year term; there are no term limits. The
the west, Guinea has four geographic regions. Lower Guinea comprises
the coast and coastal plain, which are interspersed with lagoons and
mangrove swamps. To the east the Fouta Djallon highlands rise sharply
from the coastal plain to elevations above 3,000 ft (900 m); western
If a guinea pig is lost, it may wheek for assistance.
Guinea Pig Feeding Wheek.ogg listen (help·info)
* Bubbling or Purring - This sound is made when the guinea pig is
guinea was first struck in England in 1663, and William Harvey used
the term "Ginny-pig" as early as 1653. Others believe "guinea" may
be an alteration of the word coney (rabbit); guinea pigs were referred
Portuguese the guinea pig is sometimes referred to as porquinho da
Índia (little Indian pig). This is not universal; for example, the
common word in Spanish is conejillo de Indias (little rabbit of India
/ the Indies).
languages listed for Guinea is 36. Of those, 34 are living
languages and 2 are extinct.
Living languages
6,300 in Guinea (1998 NTM). Population total all countries:
12,205. Koundara Region
and Guinea-Bissau is a dialect of Western Maninkakan. Lexical
similarity 75% with Mandinka. Classification: Niger-Congo, Mande,
Western, Central-Southwestern, Central, Manding-Jogo, Manding-Vai,
Manding-Mokole, Manding
More information.
Guinea (Eastern Maninkakan), Bambara of Mali and parts of Senegal is
not vastly different. Eastern Maninkakan of Côte d'Ivoire is close to
Bambara; Western Maninkakan of south central and southeast Senegal is
considerably different. Wasulu is a dialect of Eastern Maninkakan in
Guinea, but of Bambara in Mali
Guinea has had ongoing difficulties with its neighbor Liberia, which
was embroiled in a long civil war during the 1990s and again in
2000–2003. Guinea had taken sides against rebel leader Charles Taylor
Guinea, in West Africa on the Atlantic, is also bordered by
Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, and Sierra
Leone. Slightly smaller than Oregon, the country consists of a coastal
plain, a mountainous region, a savanna interior, and a forest area in
the Guinea Highlands
Guinea is not as prepared for tourism as some other West African
countries, and beyond the capital creature comforts are sparse. You
won't always have to rough it upcountry, but as long as you're
Matching Guinea's beauty is its vibrant culture. Across the country
there's a strong tradition of music and dance, and visitors have many
opportunities to see performances. Also, thanks largely to Sekou
Touré's impassioned defiance of the French, most Guineans are as proud
Travel Alert: The security situation in Guinea is volatile and the
border areas with Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire should be
avoided. Check Safe Travel for current government warnings.
Guinea's landscape is spectacular. The country has some of the world's
Guinea is an independent republic which lies on the on the bulge of
Africa and forms part of the West African Region. The capital city is
Conakry. Other major towns are Kankan and Siguiri, Kindia and the port
of Kamsar.
Since 1996, Guinea has made progress in the restructuring of the
budget and management and in addressing the issue of corruption. Real
GDP growth in 2002 was 4.2%. 80% of Guinea's labour force is employed
in agriculture, which accounts for about a third of GDP
The international time zone for Guinea is GMT and the international
dialling code is +224. Airlines serving the international airport at
Conakry include Air Afrique, KLM, Air France and Sabena as well as
many regional airlines. Visitors require visas in order to visit
Guinea: The Switzerland of Africa is a Land of Contrasts
A journey from the Gulf of Guinea on Africa's Atlantic Coast to
historic Mali Ville in the northern highlands.
Guinea's Forest Region - Living on the edge
The Guinea page was last modified on: Friday, 03-Apr-2009 09:05:50
One World - Nations Online .:. let's care for this planet
Made to improve cross-cultural understanding and global awareness.
Flag of Guinea is three equal vertical bands of red (hoist side), yellow, and green.
Republic of Guinea
Area: 245,860 sq. km. (95,000 sq. mi.), about the size of Oregon.
Guinea is located on the Atlantic Coast of West Africa and is bordered
by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, and Sierra
Leone. The country is divided into four geographic regions: a narrow
coastal belt (Lower Guinea); the pastoral Fouta Djallon highlands
Upper Guinea has a shorter rainy season and greater daily temperature
Guinea has four main ethnic groups:
* Peuhl (Foula or Foulani), who inhabit the mountainous Fouta
Guinea is an independent republic which lies on the on the bulge of
Africa and forms part of the West African Region.
Related Topix: World News, Africa, Agriculture, Science
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Guinea's ruling junta has recalled 30 ambassadors in cities from
Washington to Beijing, nearly five months after seizing power when the
West African country's longtime dictator died.
Related Topix: World News, Africa, South Africa
The Guinean military junta has apparently ordered a crackdown on
prostitutes and young drug addicts in Conakry, according to APANEWS .
Related Topix: Africa, World News,
Mon Apr 27, 2009
Voice of America
A Guinea is still used in British Horse Racing, and is of the value of
one pound and five pence.
The word Guinea is associated with the coin/currency unit in the UK
rather than as a reference to Italians
In Guinea’s capital of Conakry, water is a serious health and
political issue.
Go to story
PACT office-customer service
Prime Minister and his Cabinet Attend USAID Workshop
The political situation in Guinea remains volatile as elections for
the National Assembly encounter further delays, and the population
continues to call for change. Go to story
Flag of Guinea
USAID Curbs Corruption in National Education
While Guinea is classified as one of the poorest country in the world,
in terms of natural resources it is, in fact, one of the richest, with
abundant reserves of bauxite, iron, gold, and diamonds. One of the
Guinea has had only two presidents since gaining its independence from
France in 1958. Lansana CONTE came to power in 1984 when the military
seized the government after the death of the first president, Sekou
Currently, the main objective of Guinea's mining policy is to promote
locally processed exports of its vast mineral resources.
The report notes that Guinea has considerable potential for developing
its rural activities. Reforms in the agricultural sector have led to
Manufacturing activity in Guinea, already poorly developed, has fallen
further following cessation of activities of certain State
enterprises. Current constraints have failed to awaken the enthusiasm
of private investors. Development is hampered by the high cost of
The report notes that Guinea's economy is highly dependent on the
exploitation of mineral resources - mostly bauxite - and that minerals
account for over 90 per cent of earnings from merchandise exports. In
1996, the European Union and the United States absorbed more than 70
current situation: Guinea is a source, transit, and destination
country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of
forced labor and sexual exploitation; the majority of victims are
children, and internal trafficking is more prevalent than
Guinea has had a history of authoritarian rule since gaining its
independence from France in 1958. Lansana CONTE came to power in 1984
when the military seized the government after the death of the first
president, Sekou TOURE
tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Guinea is on the Tier 2 Watch List
for its failure to provide evidence of increasing efforts to eliminate
trafficking over 2006; Guinea demonstrated minimal law enforcement
efforts for a second year in a row, while protection efforts
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