Republic of the Congo
3,999,000 peopleCapital
Central African CFA francLanguages spoken in Republic of the Congo
FrenchMap of Republic of the Congo

Area in square kilometers
342,000 km2Gross domestic product per capita
$ 1,369
The Republic of the Congo is divided into 10 régions (regions) and one
commune, the capital Brazzaville. These are:
* Bouenza
* Cuvette
* Cuvette-Ouest
* Kouilou
Main article: Economy of the Republic of the Congo Cassava is an
important food crop in the Republic of Congo.
The economy is a mixture of village agriculture and handicrafts, an
industrial sector based largely on petroleum, support services, and
a government characterized by budget problems and overstaffing
The Republic of the Congo is a member of the Organization for the
Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA).
Congolese woman. Main article: Demographics of the Republic of the
the Democratic Republic of the Congo is often referred to as DR Congo,
DRC, or RDC, or is called Congo-Kinshasa after the capital Kinshasa
(in contrast to Congo-Brazzaville for its neighbour).
The name "Congo" refers to the river Congo, also known as the river
The Democratic Republic of the Congo was formerly, in turn, the Congo
Free State, Belgian Congo, Congo-Léopoldville, Congo-Kinshasa, and
Zaire (or Zaïre in French). Though it is located in the Central
African UN subregion, the nation is economically and regionally
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where it is estimated that
there are up to 2,000,000 followers. Sixty-two of the
Protestant denominations in the country are federated under the
umbrella of the Church of Christ in Congo or CCC (in French, Église du
Democratic Republic of the Congo is indefinite except in the Pool
Malebo/Stanley Pool area
Refugees and internally displaced persons:
Definition Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order
refugees (country of origin): 46,341 (Democratic Republic of Congo);
current situation: Republic of the Congo is a source and destination
country for children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and
commercial sexual exploitation; girls are trafficked from rural areas
within the country for commercial sexual exploitation, forced street
tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Republic of the Congo is on the Tier
2 Watch List for its failure to show evidence of increasing efforts to
combat trafficking in persons in 2007; struggling to recover from six
years of civil conflict that ended in 2003, the Republic of the
The Republic of the Congo is in Central Africa. The country is also
known as Congo-Brazzaville to distinguish it from its giant eastern
neighbour, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa). It
is bordered by Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the
The Republic of the Congo is divided into 10 régions (regions) and one
commune, the capital Brazzaville. These are:
Bouenza Cuvette Cuvette-Ouest Kouilou Lékoumou Commune of Brazzaville
Likouala Niari Plateaux Pool Sangha
The regions are subdivided into 46 districts.
The Republic of the Congo's sparse population is concentrated in the
southwestern portion of the country, leaving the vast areas of
tropical jungle in the north virtually uninhabited. Thus, Congo is one
of the most urbanized countries in Africa, with 85% of its total
Republic of the Congo is indefinite except in the Pool Malebo/Stanley
Pool area
Refugees and internally displaced persons:
refugees (country of origin): 56,380 (Democratic Republic of Congo),
6,478 (Rwanda)
In what part of the democratic republic of the Congo is the Congo
basin located?
What did congo grow or mine when the europeans controlled congo?
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* In what part of democratic republic of the congo is the congo
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Mentioned in
The Republic of the Congo is divided into ten regions and one commune,
the capital Brazzaville. These are:
* Bouenza
* Brazzaville
* Cuvette
* Cuvette-Ouest
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is by far the most biologically
rich country in Africa.
© Photo: wcs.org
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DROC)
République Démocratique du Congo
Country Profile
The war in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) has
cost millions of lives. Hundreds of thousands of people have been shot
dead. Millions have died from the indirect consequences of war.
Source: Amnesty International
border countries: Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo, formerly Zaire, which was also at
one time known as the Republic of the Congo), is a former French
colony of west-central Africa. It borders on Gabon, Cameroon, Central
African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Gulf of
in the broad Congo River with the Republic of the Congo is indefinite
except in the Pool Malebo/Stanley Pool area; Uganda and DROC dispute
Rukwanzi island in Lake Albert and other areas on the Semliki River
with hydrocarbon potential; boundary commission continues discussions
current situation: Democratic Republic of the Congo is a source and
destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the
purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation; much of this
trafficking occurs within the country's unstable eastern provinces and
tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Democratic Republic of the Congo is
on the Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to provide evidence of
increasing efforts to combat trafficking in persons in 2007; while
some significant initial advances were noted, the government's
Straddling the Equator, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the
third largest country in Africa (after Sudan and Algeria). The mighty
Congo River flows north and then south through a land rich in
minerals, fertile farmlands, and rain forests. The country has a tiny
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is governed under the
constitution of 2006. The president, who is the head of state, is
popularly elected and may serve two five-year terms. There is a
bicameral legislature. The National Assembly has 500 members, who
with the Republic of the Congo is indefinite except in the Pool
Malebo/Stanley Pool area
Refugees and internally displaced persons:
refugees (country of origin): 106,772 (Angola), 42,360 (Rwanda),
19,032 (Burundi), 18,954 (Uganda), 11,723 (Sudan), 5,243 (Republic of
The education system in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is
governed by three government ministries: the Ministère de
l'Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel (MEPSP), the
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire (MESU) and the
Ministère des Affaires Sociales (MAS). The educational system in the
mepsp congo
french forced labor in republic of congo
list of all countries that took control of the congo
african capitals
tiny african country on the eastern border of the democratic republic of the congo